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In These series "Layers of Meaning" I seek to experience the cities and towns of the world and their every day life. Looking for their unique spirit, their beat, the feel of it all. Looking for their environment, their people, and the way daily life is at present.

This photograph with Mixed media is located in The Colca Valley is a colorful Andean valley with pre-Incaroots, and towns founded in Spanish colonial times, still inhabited by people of the Collagua and the Cabana cultures. The local people maintain their ancestral traditions and continue to cultivate the pre-Inca stepped terraces, called andenes.

Chivay is a town in the Colca valley, capital of the Caylloma province in the Arequipa region, Peru. Located at about 3,600 m above sea level (12,000 ft), it lies upstream of the renowned Colca Canyon. It has a central town square and an active market.

Colca Market


Original Photograph with Mixed media on canvas.

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