In This series "Layers of Meaning" I seek to experience the cities and towns of the world and their every day life. Looking for their unique spirit, their beat, the feel of it all. Looking for their environment, their people, and the way daily life is at present.
These photograph with Mixed media was taken at Central Park in New York city. The beautiful, schist bridge found at 62nd street in Central Park, offering one of the best views of the City skyline, is known as the Gapstow Bridge. Situated at the northeast end of the Pond, this bridge was initially built in 1874 and designed by Jacob Wrey Mould. Mould's design would prove itself unable to stand against the elements, however, and his lovely but delicate wooden bridge with cast iron railings was soon replaced due to wear.
View from Gapstow Bridge
8" x 8"
Original Photograph with Mixed media on canvas.